Monday, July 20, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Fun!

Who's a Farmer's Market fan???

I am, I am!!! I love the flowers, the fresh veggies and fruit, but the balloon animals just puts me over the top! And the kids loved'em! And here in Belle Plaine, we have TWO!

Here is our Marcia's Angels pose!

Fourth of July

I am sure, that like everyone else, we have been enjoying the best part of summer. THE MIDDLE! The weather is still nice, the days are long so you get more out of them. We also have the most dates with stuff to do! There was my birthday, our trip to WI, Fourth of July, and BBQ Days in Belle Plaine! I have been soaking up every moment up of family that I can, and we also decided to repaint our house so it has been BUSY BUSY BUSY!! Here are a few pictures from the Fourth when our great friend Sandy came to visit us from the great state of TX:)

I just love what a ham that my third is, she is always full of life and sooo doesn't fit the mold of a photographer's child. She actually loves her picture taken. Except now, when she has chicken pox!

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend, I know we did!