Friday, September 25, 2009

First Day of School

"But that's my lunch box!" "No I can't find my other shoe!" "Where is the toothpaste?" "How do I know that she doesn't need me to bring all the pencils on the first day of school?"
"Can we just get outside so we're on time guys??????"

Ahhhh, the first day of school. The familiar hustle and bustle of getting three kids out the door was such a challenge last year that I welcomed summer with open arms. And somehow it snuck up on me again. This time I was really excited though as today was a milestone. All four of my children are school age!!! However, you'll notice, only three went to school that day as Elli had a horrible ear infection that with the CDA pandemonium of H1N1 meant she was staying behind :(


Business is business, right? Yes, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun! This is my friend Crystal from . We met working at Vital, and she's a ton of fun but the bonus is she loves photography as much as I do! We knew that we both needed headshots so we decided to take each others! Here are a few of my favorites from her session and you can check out her fan page on Facebook or mine too :) to see the great shots she got of me!

Ya just gotta see the shoes! SUPER FUN!

Summer Fun

Bright blue skies, plenty of sunshine, and gentle breezes. Isn't that what everyone hopes for on their day off? Well most of the time, I am not that lucky, so on this day, I decided to take advantage of it and hang out with my kids, and remind myself why I get up every morning and do what I do. We had a blast!

Waterslides rule, whether they are 4 feet long, or 400 feet long. NUFF SAID.

This screams TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL (to start, LOL)

Yeah, I did ask my kids to do this picture on purpose, cause I'm just a cool mom like that. What kid will turn down a mom who says, " Turn that way and spit!" ?????

For anyone who has a child with aspberger's autism, this is an incredible book. So enlightening, yet an capturing read. It also gives insight on the persepective of those without special needs children and how difficult it is for them to grow up with those around them not understanding...

My secret weapon for summer

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Morgan Miracle

There were clouds all the way there as I listen to WIDEAWAKE in the truck threatening the days events. The windows are down and memories of my cousin run through my mind. Not when we were kids, but the memories of the effects he had on others. Doing things that were selfless, that were to help those who couldn't help themselves, to help the younger learn the ropes. It warms my heart everytime these feelings come to mind. As I drove to the Ball field that day I couldn't think of anywhere else I wanted to be. This was the day of the "Miracle for Morgan 2009" Fundraiser. Today was a day where people from all over the area (Belle Plaine and surrounding areas)
took time out of their schedules and gave from the heart. There were donations from local business to raise money through raffles, concessions, and the silent auction. These ranged from baseball equipment to a concrete patio. The generosity could be felt for miles when I stood at those tables.

Then as I looked up you could see people helping everywhere like a sworm of busy bees doing their small jobs for the greater good. And looking the other direction you could see the team spirit in red and black warming up for the first game. You could almost taste the cheese burgers and hot dogs as the smoked away on the grill awaiting the crowds. You could feel the love that day. The love for one little girl named Morgan.

Morgan's needs have come to a point where she needs more medical attention than can be covered by insurance and that special little girl needed us all that day. She has a giggle that makes you beam, a personality that makes you belly laugh, and the sweetest blue eyes that make you feel like the most important person in the world when she graces you with their presence. Morgan deserves to live the best life we all can bring to her.

I had the opportunity to be a part of that day. To photograph the course of events and show all the wonderful love and support that gathered that day to help her parents feel like they don't have to take on the world themselves. Here are some pictures that represent the day, and hopefully remind people that it takes a village to raise a child.